Rico Sennrich profile picture
Rico Sennrich

statistical machine translation, dependency parsing, syntactic models for NLP, morphology

Shashi Narayan profile picture
Shashi Narayan
Mark Steedman profile picture
Mark Steedman

Computational linguistics, artificial intelligence, formal grammar, spoken intonation, statistical parsing, spoken language processing, animated conversational agents, computational musical analysis

Adam Lopez profile picture
Adam Lopez

Natural language processing, machine learning

Mirella Lapata profile picture
Mirella Lapata

probabilistic learning for natural language understanding and generation, language grounding, models of vision and language

Frank Keller profile picture
Frank Keller

probabilistic models of cognition, parsing, language production, language acquisition, language-vision interface, eyetracking

sharon Goldwater profile picture
Sharon Goldwater

probabilistic (esp. Bayesian) models of language acquisition, unsupervised learning for NLP, phonetics/phonology, morphology

Shay Cohen

structured prediction, semantics and syntactic parsing, text generation, language modeling, multilingual learning